Three unique experiences. One expansive museum to explore the genius of Leonardo da Vinci. 

Crank the wheels of interactive life-sized machine replicas, see how it's made in our STEAM exhibits, savor a scoop of gelato in an outdoor cafe, and blast off to new heights in Pueblo, Colorado.

Igniting curiosity, encouraging exploration, and inspiring creativity to empower minds.

Explore 3 Unique Experiences

The museum is a developing concept to further the education and awareness of the arts and sciences in southern Colorado and beyond. 

Life-sized machine replicas from Leonardo da Vinci's sketches

Teaming up with the Artisans of Florence, our museum brings Leonardo da Vinci's legendary inventions to life with interactive exhibits. While no original models exist, these reconstructions from his drawings are shared worldwide. Pueblo will become the hub to store and share these models across North America.

STEAMworks Interactive Science Exhibits 

Our interactive STEAM focused exhibits are for all ages and give kids and adults a chance to explore how things are made.

The Christa McAuliffe Planetarium
(Future Riverwalk Expansion)

We have a cosmic plan in the works to launch a local planetarium back into orbit in our future expansions. This celestial hub features educational shows for astronomy, space navigation, movies and can be used for kids of all ages e.g. school groups, private events and more!

Public Support

"This is wonderful news. This will hopefully bring in a new tourism to our culturally rich little city."
Jarvis Web Solutions Ltd.
"They will bring sales tax revenue, hands on educational museum for kids with programs for schools. Bringing culture to our town is always a good thing!"
Jarvis Web Solutions Ltd.
"What a Great Opportunity for Pueblo!! Thank you Mayor Graham and City Council for your support of this Beautiful Attraction to our city!! Making Pueblo Proud!!"
Jarvis Web Solutions Ltd.

Global Connections

The map below highlights where models from Pueblo, Colorado are showcased in temporary exhibits across the United States. It also features the locations of Leonardo da Vinci Museums worldwide. Check it out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will the museum be located?
A vacant building, constructed with state tourism incentives, on Pueblo’s downtown riverwalk has been identified by city leaders to house the museum. This 18,000+ sq ft space will include exhibits, a gift shop and outdoor Cafe Leonardo. Future expansion will include the restored Centennial planetarium.

Our offices are located at 121 W. City Center Drive, Ste 240, Pueblo, CO 81003

Why Pueblo?
The Sangre de Cristo Arts Center displayed an exhibit of Leonardo da Vinci’s models. After the exhibit ended, we kept the models in Pueblo and loaned them out to exhibits nationwide. The increasing interest in these exhibits and the support from Pueblo made it the perfect spot to open the first Leonardo da Vinci Museum in North America. Plus, the area’s connection to steelmaking and manufacturing makes it an ideal place to celebrate Leonardo da Vinci’s genius and inspire future generations to explore STEAM fields.

Are there other Leonardo da Vinci Museums?
While this will be the first museum in North America, there are other museums in Florence, Italy; Amboise, France; Seoul, South Korea; Australia and Brazil.

Will taxpayer funds be used?
Currently, the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of North America is not seeking additional local city or county funds to launch the project. We will negotiate a lease agreement that is appropriate for the venue and meets the needs of the RTA agreement with the State of Colorado.

When will the museum open?
We are in the process of securing a location for the center in Pueblo, CO. After that occurs, we will have a more specific launch timeline in place for our launch phases. 

How can I support the museum?
Donations are always welcome to help support the museum opening and programming. Alternatively, you can send a check to 121 W. City Center Drive, Ste 240, Pueblo, CO 81003. All donations are tax deductible. 


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